+Affirmations from Gurbani remind us of God's promise to His devotees.
+Affirmations from Gurbani help in replacing thoughts of doubt, confusion, negative thinking, and stress from our minds by putting in their place words of hope and God's promise.
+Repeating affirmations from Gurbani help us in keeping words of the Guru constantly in our mind, and being with God (in remembrance of God). God and Guru are same or synonymous (Guru is the aspect of God who teaches us the right path). God has many Name in monotheism, like Adonai, Satnam, Allah, Narayan, Waheguru among others.
+Affirmation can be read repeatedly, spoken aloud, spoken silently in mind, meditated upon, or written to remind ourselves of the assurance of God.
Continued in another post: https://cloudverse.blogspot.com/2024/01/gurbani-affirmations-ii.html
1. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 474:- With our own hands, let us resolve our own affairs (believe in God and Guru, listen to His words, believe in His words, repeat them and resolve to improve our life here and hereafter by diligently following words of our Guru).
ਜਿਸ ਕੇ ਜੀਅ ਪਰਾਣ ਹਹਿ ਕਿਉ ਸਾਹਿਬੁ ਮਨਹੁ ਵਿਸਾਰੀਐ ॥
ਆਪਣ ਹਥੀ ਆਪਣਾ ਆਪੇ ਹੀ ਕਾਜੁ ਸਵਾਰੀਐ ॥੨੦॥
जिस के जीअ पराण हहि किउ साहिबु मनहु विसारीऐ ॥
आपण हथी आपणा आपे ही काजु सवारीऐ ॥२०॥
He who owns our soul, and our very breath of life - why should we forget that Lord and Master from our minds?
With our own hands, let us resolve our own affairs. ||20||
2. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 1213:- All my works are perfectly completed.
ਅਬ ਮੋਰੋ ਸਹਸਾ ਦੂਖੁ ਗਇਆ ॥
ਅਉਰ ਉਪਾਵ ਸਗਲ ਤਿਆਗਿ ਛੋਡੇ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਸਰਣਿ ਪਇਆ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
ਸਰਬ ਸਿਧਿ ਕਾਰਜ ਸਭਿ ਸਵਰੇ ਅਹੰ ਰੋਗ ਸਗਲ ਹੀ ਖਇਆ ॥
ਕੋਟਿ ਪਰਾਧ ਖਿਨ ਮਹਿ ਖਉ ਭਈ ਹੈ ਗੁਰ ਮਿਲਿ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਕਹਿਆ ॥੧॥
अब मोरो सहसा दूखु गइआ ॥
अउर उपाव सगल तिआगि छोडे सतिगुर सरणि पइआ ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
सरब सिधि कारज सभि सवरे अहं रोग सगल ही खइआ ॥
कोटि पराध खिन महि खउ भई है गुर मिलि हरि हरि कहिआ ॥१॥
Now I am rid of my skepticism and sorrow.
I have abandoned and forsaken all other efforts, and come to the Sanctuary of the True Guru. ||1||Pause||
I have attained total perfection, and all my works are perfectly completed; the illness of egotism has been totally eradicated.
Millions of sins are destroyed in an instant; meeting with the Guru, I chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||1||
3. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 202:- All my works are brought to perfection.
ਅਨਦਿਨੁ ਜਪਉ ਗੁਰੂ ਗੁਰ ਨਾਮ ॥
ਤਾ ਤੇ ਸਿਧਿ ਭਏ ਸਗਲ ਕਾਂਮ ॥੨॥
अनदिनु जपउ गुरू गुर नाम ॥
ता ते सिधि भए सगल कांम ॥२॥
Night and day, I meditate on the Guru, and the Name of the Guru.
Thus all my works are brought to perfection. ||2||
4. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 501-502:- Pain, ignorance and fear have left me, and all my works have been brought to fruition.
ਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦੀ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਧਿਆਇਆ ਗਈ ਸੰਕਾ ਤੂਟਿ ॥
ਦੁਖ ਅਨੇਰਾ ਭੈ ਬਿਨਾਸੇ ਪਾਪ ਗਏ ਨਿਖੂਟਿ ॥੧॥
ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮ ਕੀ ਮਨਿ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਿ ॥
ਮਿਲਿ ਸਾਧ ਬਚਨ ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਧਿਆਏ ਮਹਾ ਨਿਰਮਲ ਰੀਤਿ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
ਜਾਪ ਤਾਪ ਅਨੇਕ ਕਰਣੀ ਸਫਲ ਸਿਮਰਤ ਨਾਮ ॥
ਕਰਿ ਅਨੁਗ੍ਰਹੁ ਆਪਿ ਰਾਖੇ ਭਏ ਪੂਰਨ ਕਾਮ ॥੨॥
गुर प्रसादी प्रभु धिआइआ गई संका तूटि ॥
दुख अनेरा भै बिनासे पाप गए निखूटि ॥१॥
हरि हरि नाम की मनि प्रीति ॥
मिलि साध बचन गोबिंद धिआए महा निरमल रीति ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
जाप ताप अनेक करणी सफल सिमरत नाम ॥
करि अनुग्रहु आपि राखे भए पूरन काम ॥२॥
By Guru's Grace, I meditate on God, and my doubts are gone.
Pain, ignorance and fear have left me, and my sins have been dispelled. ||1||
My mind is filled with love for the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.
Meeting the Holy Saint, under His Instruction, I meditate on the Lord of the Universe, in the most immaculate way. ||1||Pause||
Chanting, deep meditation and various rituals are contained in the fruitful meditative remembrance of the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
Showing His Mercy, the Lord Himself has protected me, and all my works have been brought to fruition. ||2||
5. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 819:- I am under His Protection; He is always my help and support.
ਗੁਰਿ ਗੋਵਿੰਦਿ ਕ੍ਰਿਪਾ ਕਰੀ ਰਾਖਿਆ ਮੇਰਾ ਭਾਈ ॥
ਹਮ ਤਿਸ ਕੀ ਸਰਣਾਗਤੀ ਜੋ ਸਦਾ ਸਹਾਈ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
गुरि गोविंदि क्रिपा करी राखिआ मेरा भाई ॥
हम तिस की सरणागती जो सदा सहाई ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
The Guru, the Lord of the Universe, has shown mercy to me, and saved my brother.
I am under His Protection; He is always my help and support. ||1||Pause||
6. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 1269:- God, my Help and Support, is always with me. He shall never leave.
ਦੁਸਟ ਮੁਏ ਬਿਖੁ ਖਾਈ ਰੀ ਮਾਈ ॥
ਜਿਸ ਕੇ ਜੀਅ ਤਿਨ ਹੀ ਰਖਿ ਲੀਨੇ ਮੇਰੇ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕਉ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਆਈ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
ਅੰਤਰਜਾਮੀ ਸਭ ਮਹਿ ਵਰਤੈ ਤਾਂ ਭਉ ਕੈਸਾ ਭਾਈ ॥
ਸੰਗਿ ਸਹਾਈ ਛੋਡਿ ਨ ਜਾਈ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਦੀਸੈ ਸਭਨੀ ਠਾਈ ॥੧॥
ਅਨਾਥਾ ਨਾਥੁ ਦੀਨ ਦੁਖ ਭੰਜਨ ਆਪਿ ਲੀਏ ਲੜਿ ਲਾਈ ॥
ਹਰਿ ਕੀ ਓਟ ਜੀਵਹਿ ਦਾਸ ਤੇਰੇ ਨਾਨਕ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਸਰਣਾਈ ॥੨॥੧੨॥੧੬॥
दुसट मुए बिखु खाई री माई ॥
जिस के जीअ तिन ही रखि लीने मेरे प्रभ कउ किरपा आई ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
अंतरजामी सभ महि वरतै तां भउ कैसा भाई ॥
संगि सहाई छोडि न जाई प्रभु दीसै सभनी ठाईं ॥१॥
अनाथा नाथु दीन दुख भंजन आपि लीए लड़ि लाई ॥
हरि की ओट जीवहि दास तेरे नानक प्रभ सरणाई ॥२॥१२॥१६॥
The cruel and evil ones died after taking poison, O mother.
And the One, to whom all creatures belong, has saved us. God has granted His Grace. ||1||Pause||
The Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, is contained within all; why should I be afraid, O Brother?
God, my Help and Support, is always with me. He shall never leave; I see Him everywhere. ||1||
He is the Master of the masterless, the Destroyer of the pains of the poor; He has attached me to the hem of His robe.
O Lord, Your slaves live by Your Support; Nanak has come to the Sanctuary of God. ||2||12||16||
7. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 182:- Pray, and He will resolve your affairs.
ਕਹੁ ਬੇਨੰਤੀ ਅਪੁਨੇ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪਾਹਿ ॥
ਕਾਜ ਤੁਮਾਰੇ ਦੇਇ ਨਿਬਾਹਿ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
कहु बेनंती अपुने सतिगुर पाहि ॥
काज तुमारे देइ निबाहि ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
Offer your prayers to your True Guru;
He will resolve your affairs. ||1||Pause||
8. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 176:- Keep Name of God in my heart and mind, and my affairs will be quickly resolved.
ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਅੰਤਰਿ ਉਰਿ ਧਾਰਿ ॥
ਸੀਘਰ ਕਾਰਜੁ ਲੇਹੁ ਸਵਾਰਿ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
हरि हरि नामु अंतरि उरि धारि ॥
सीघर कारजु लेहु सवारि ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
Keep the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, enshrined in your heart,
and your affairs shall be quickly resolved. ||1||Pause||
9. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 201:- Remain steady and God/Guru will resolve your affairs.
ਥਿਰੁ ਘਰਿ ਬੈਸਹੁ ਹਰਿ ਜਨ ਪਿਆਰੇ ॥
ਸਤਿਗੁਰਿ ਤੁਮਰੇ ਕਾਜ ਸਵਾਰੇ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
ਦੁਸਟ ਦੂਤ ਪਰਮੇਸਰਿ ਮਾਰੇ ॥
ਜਨ ਕੀ ਪੈਜ ਰਖੀ ਕਰਤਾਰੇ ॥੧॥
ਬਾਦਿਸਾਹ ਸਾਹ ਸਭ ਵਸਿ ਕਰਿ ਦੀਨੇ ॥
ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਨਾਮ ਮਹਾ ਰਸ ਪੀਨੇ ॥੨॥
ਨਿਰਭਉ ਹੋਇ ਭਜਹੁ ਭਗਵਾਨ ॥
ਸਾਧਸੰਗਤਿ ਮਿਲਿ ਕੀਨੋ ਦਾਨੁ ॥੩॥
ਸਰਣਿ ਪਰੇ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਅੰਤਰਜਾਮੀ ॥
ਨਾਨਕ ਓਟ ਪਕਰੀ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਸੁਆਮੀ ॥੪॥੧੦੮॥
थिरु घरि बैसहु हरि जन पिआरे ॥
सतिगुरि तुमरे काज सवारे ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
दुसट दूत परमेसरि मारे ॥
जन की पैज रखी करतारे ॥१॥
बादिसाह साह सभ वसि करि दीने ॥
अम्रित नाम महा रस पीने ॥२॥
निरभउ होइ भजहु भगवान ॥
साधसंगति मिलि कीनो दानु ॥३॥
सरणि परे प्रभ अंतरजामी ॥
नानक ओट पकरी प्रभ सुआमी ॥४॥१०८॥
Remain steady in the home of your own self, O beloved servant of the Lord.
The True Guru shall resolve all your affairs. ||1||Pause||
The Transcendent Lord has struck down the wicked and the evil.
The Creator has preserved the honor of His servant. ||1||
The kings and emperors are all under his power;
he drinks deeply of the most sublime essence of the Ambrosial Naam, Name. ||2||
Meditate fearlessly on the Lord God.
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, this gift is given. ||3||
Nanak has entered the Sanctuary of God, the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts;
he grasps the Support of God, his Lord and Master. ||4||108||
10. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 824:- Chant always Name of God, and pain of old age and death will not afflict me.
ਸਦਾ ਸਦਾ ਜਪੀਐ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਨਾਮ ॥
ਜਰਾ ਮਰਾ ਕਛੁ ਦੂਖੁ ਨ ਬਿਆਪੈ ਆਗੈ ਦਰਗਹ ਪੂਰਨ ਕਾਮ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
सदा सदा जपीऐ प्रभ नाम ॥
जरा मरा कछु दूखु न बिआपै आगै दरगह पूरन काम ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥
Forever and ever, chant the Name of God.
The pains of old age and death shall not afflict you, and in the Court of the Lord hereafter, your affairs shall be perfectly resolved. ||1||Pause||
11. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 383:- I have become fearless and God has resolved all my affairs.
ਨਿਰਭਉ ਭਏ ਸਗਲ ਭਉ ਮਿਟਿਆ ਰਾਖੇ ਰਾਖਨਹਾਰੇ ॥
ਐਸੀ ਦਾਤਿ ਤੇਰੀ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਮੇਰੇ ਕਾਰਜ ਸਗਲ ਸਵਾਰੇ ॥੩॥
निरभउ भए सगल भउ मिटिआ राखे राखनहारे ॥
ऐसी दाति तेरी प्रभ मेरे कारज सगल सवारे ॥३॥
I have become fearless, and all my fears have been erased. The Savior Lord has saved me.
Such is Your generosity, O my God, that You have resolved all my affairs. ||3||
12. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 257:- Give up hope on others, depend on God, and chanting Name He will resolve your affairs.
ਧਰ ਜੀਅਰੇ ਇਕ ਟੇਕ ਤੂ ਲਾਹਿ ਬਿਡਾਨੀ ਆਸ ॥
ਨਾਨਕ ਨਾਮੁ ਧਿਆਈਐ ਕਾਰਜੁ ਆਵੈ ਰਾਸਿ ॥੧॥
धर जीअरे इक टेक तू लाहि बिडानी आस ॥
नानक नामु धिआईऐ कारजु आवै रासि ॥१॥
O my soul, grasp the Support of the One Lord; give up your hopes in others.
O Nanak, meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, your affairs shall be resolved. ||1||
13. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 626:- The Guru has blessed me with peace here and hereafter.
ਆਗੈ ਸੁਖੁ ਗੁਰਿ ਦੀਆ ॥
ਪਾਛੈ ਕੁਸਲ ਖੇਮ ਗੁਰਿ ਕੀਆ ॥
ਸਰਬ ਨਿਧਾਨ ਸੁਖ ਪਾਇਆ ॥
ਗੁਰੁ ਅਪੁਨਾ ਰਿਦੈ ਧਿਆਇਆ ॥੧॥
ਅਪਨੇ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਕੀ ਵਡਿਆਈ ॥
ਮਨ ਇਛੇ ਫਲ ਪਾਈ ॥
ਸੰਤਹੁ ਦਿਨੁ ਦਿਨੁ ਚੜੈ ਸਵਾਈ ॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
ਜੀਅ ਜੰਤ ਸਭਿ ਭਏ ਦਇਆਲਾ ਪ੍ਰਭਿ ਅਪਨੇ ਕਰਿ ਦੀਨੇ ॥
ਸਹਜ ਸੁਭਾਇ ਮਿਲੇ ਗੋਪਾਲਾ ਨਾਨਕ ਸਾਚਿ ਪਤੀਨੇ ॥੨॥੩॥੬੭॥
आगै सुखु गुरि दीआ ॥
पाछै कुसल खेम गुरि कीआ ॥
सरब निधान सुख पाइआ ॥
गुरु अपुना रिदै धिआइआ ॥१॥
अपने सतिगुर की वडिआई ॥
मन इछे फल पाई ॥
संतहु दिनु दिनु चड़ै सवाई ॥ रहाउ ॥
जीअ जंत सभि भए दइआला प्रभि अपने करि दीने ॥
सहज सुभाइ मिले गोपाला नानक साचि पतीने ॥२॥३॥६७॥
The Guru has blessed me with peace here,
and the Guru has arranged peace and pleasure for me hereafter.
I have all treasures and comforts,
meditating on the Guru in my heart. ||1||
This is the glorious greatness of my True Guru;
I have obtained the fruits of my mind's desires.
O Saints, His Glory increases day by day. ||Pause||
All beings and creatures have become kind and compassionate to me; my God has made them so.
Nanak has met with the Lord of the world with intuitive ease, and with Truth, he is pleased. ||2||3||67||
14. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 629:- I have returned home safe and sound.
ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਅਪੁਨਾ ਰਿਦੈ ਧਿਆਏ ॥
ਘਰਿ ਸਹੀ ਸਲਾਮਤਿ ਆਏ ॥
ਸੰਤੋਖੁ ਭਇਆ ਸੰਸਾਰੇ ॥
ਗੁਰਿ ਪੂਰੈ ਲੈ ਤਾਰੇ ॥੧॥
प्रभु अपुना रिदै धिआए ॥
घरि सही सलामति आए ॥
संतोखु भइआ संसारे ॥
गुरि पूरै लै तारे ॥१॥
Within my heart, I meditate on God.
I have returned home safe and sound.
The world has become contented.
The Perfect Guru has saved me. ||1||
15. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 640:- The Perfect Guru has blessed me with contentment.
ਗੁਰਿ ਪੂਰੈ ਸੰਤੋਖਿਆ ਭਾਈ ਅਹਿਨਿਸਿ ਲਾਗਾ ਭਾਉ ॥
ਰਸਨਾ ਰਾਮੁ ਰਵੈ ਸਦਾ ਭਾਈ ਸਾਚਾ ਸਾਦੁ ਸੁਆਉ ॥
गुरि पूरै संतोखिआ भाई अहिनिसि लागा भाउ ॥
रसना रामु रवै सदा भाई साचा सादु सुआउ ॥
The Perfect Guru has blessed me with contentment, O brother; day and night, I remain attached to the Lord's Love.
My tongue continually chants the Lord's Name, O brother; this is the true taste, and the object of human life.
16. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 326:- My intellect is enlightened chanting the Name of God.
ਰਾਮ ਰਮਤ ਮਤਿ ਪਰਗਟੀ ਆਈ ॥
राम रमत मति परगटी आई ॥
Chanting the Lord's Name, my intellect is enlightened.
17. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 240:- My troubles, conflicts, fears, doubts and pains have been dispelled.
ਜਿਨਿ ਗੁਰਿ ਮੋ ਕਉ ਦੀਨਾ ਜੀਉ ॥
ਆਪੁਨਾ ਦਾਸਰਾ ਆਪੇ ਮੁਲਿ ਲੀਉ ॥੬॥
ਆਪੇ ਲਾਇਓ ਅਪਨਾ ਪਿਆਰੁ ॥
ਸਦਾ ਸਦਾ ਤਿਸੁ ਗੁਰ ਕਉ ਕਰੀ ਨਮਸਕਾਰੁ ॥੭॥
ਕਲਿ ਕਲੇਸ ਭੈ ਭ੍ਰਮ ਦੁਖ ਲਾਥਾ ॥
ਕਹੁ ਨਾਨਕ ਮੇਰਾ ਗੁਰੁ ਸਮਰਾਥਾ ॥੮॥੯॥
जिनि गुरि मो कउ दीना जीउ ॥
आपुना दासरा आपे मुलि लीउ ॥६॥
आपे लाइओ अपना पिआरु ॥
सदा सदा तिसु गुर कउ करी नमसकारु ॥७॥
कलि कलेस भै भ्रम दुख लाथा ॥
कहु नानक मेरा गुरु समराथा ॥८॥९॥
The Guru who gave me my soul,
has Himself purchased me, and made me His slave. ||6||
He Himself has blessed me with His Love.
Forever and ever, I humbly bow to the Guru. ||7||
My troubles, conflicts, fears, doubts and pains have been dispelled;
says Nanak, my Guru is All-powerful. ||8||9||
18. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 671:- God's grace releases me of my bonds.
ਕਰਿ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਦੀਓ ਮੋਹਿ ਨਾਮਾ ਬੰਧਨ ਤੇ ਛੁਟਕਾਏ ॥
करि किरपा दीओ मोहि नामा बंधन ते छुटकाए ॥
Granting His Grace, God has blessed me with His Name, and released me of my bonds.
19. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 714:- All beings have become kind to me.
ਜੀਅ ਜੰਤ ਹੋਏ ਮਿਹਰਵਾਨਾ ਦਯਾ ਧਾਰੀ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਥ ॥
जीअ जंत होए मिहरवाना दया धारी हरि नाथ ॥
All beings and creatures have become kind to me; my Lord and Master blessed me with His Kind Mercy.
20. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 748:- All my sorrows are gone.
ਆਪਣੀ ਨਦਰਿ ਕਰੇ ਪਰਮੇਸਰੁ ਬੰਧਨ ਕਾਟਿ ਛਡਾਏ ॥
ਆਪਣੀ ਭਗਤਿ ਪ੍ਰਭਿ ਆਪਿ ਕਰਾਈ ਆਪੇ ਸੇਵਾ ਲਾਏ ॥੩॥
ਭਰਮੁ ਗਇਆ ਭੈ ਮੋਹ ਬਿਨਾਸੇ ਮਿਟਿਆ ਸਗਲ ਵਿਸੂਰਾ ॥
ਨਾਨਕ ਦਇਆ ਕਰੀ ਸੁਖਦਾਤੈ ਭੇਟਿਆ ਸਤਿਗੁਰੁ ਪੂਰਾ ॥੪॥੫॥੫੨॥
आपणी नदरि करे परमेसरु बंधन काटि छडाए ॥
आपणी भगति प्रभि आपि कराई आपे सेवा लाए ॥३॥
भरमु गइआ भै मोह बिनासे मिटिआ सगल विसूरा ॥
नानक दइआ करी सुखदातै भेटिआ सतिगुरु पूरा ॥४॥५॥५२॥
The Transcendent Lord has blessed me with His Glance of Grace; breaking my bonds, He has delivered me.
God Himself inspires me to worship Him; He Himself inspires me to serve Him. ||3||
My doubts have gone, my fears and infatuations have been dispelled, and all my sorrows are gone.
O Nanak, the Lord, the Giver of peace has been merciful to me. I have met the Perfect True Guru. ||4||5||52||
21. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 801:- No obstacles block my path.
ਸਰਬ ਕਲਿਆਣ ਕੀਏ ਗੁਰਦੇਵ ॥
ਸੇਵਕੁ ਅਪਨੀ ਲਾਇਓ ਸੇਵ ॥
ਬਿਘਨੁ ਨ ਲਾਗੈ ਜਪਿ ਅਲਖ ਅਭੇਵ ॥੧॥
सरब कलिआण कीए गुरदेव ॥
सेवकु अपनी लाइओ सेव ॥
बिघनु न लागै जपि अलख अभेव ॥१॥
The Divine Guru has blessed me with total happiness.
He has linked His servant to His service.
No obstacles block my path, meditating on the incomprehensible, inscrutable Lord. ||1||
22. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 611:- We are children of the One God.
ਏਕੁ ਪਿਤਾ ਏਕਸ ਕੇ ਹਮ ਬਾਰਿਕ ਤੂ ਮੇਰਾ ਗੁਰ ਹਾਈ ॥
एकु पिता एकस के हम बारिक तू मेरा गुर हाई ॥
The One God is our father; we are the children of the One God. You are our Guru.
23. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 611:- God has heard my prayer.
ਸੁਣੀ ਅਰਦਾਸਿ ਸੁਆਮੀ ਮੇਰੈ ਸਰਬ ਕਲਾ ਬਣਿ ਆਈ ॥
ਪ੍ਰਗਟ ਭਈ ਸਗਲੇ ਜੁਗ ਅੰਤਰਿ ਗੁਰ ਨਾਨਕ ਕੀ ਵਡਿਆਈ ॥੪॥੧੧॥
सुणी अरदासि सुआमी मेरै सरब कला बणि आई ॥
प्रगट भई सगले जुग अंतरि गुर नानक की वडिआई ॥४॥११॥
My Lord and Master has heard my prayer, and all my affairs have been resolved.
The glorious greatness of Guru Nanak is manifest, throughout all the ages. ||4||11||
24. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 45:- The One God is my Father, Mother, Friend and Brother.
ਇਕੋ ਭਾਈ ਮਿਤੁ ਇਕੁ ਇਕੋ ਮਾਤ ਪਿਤਾ ॥
ਇਕਸ ਕੀ ਮਨਿ ਟੇਕ ਹੈ ਜਿਨਿ ਜੀਉ ਪਿੰਡੁ ਦਿਤਾ ॥
ਸੋ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਮਨਹੁ ਨ ਵਿਸਰੈ ਜਿਨਿ ਸਭੁ ਕਿਛੁ ਵਸਿ ਕੀਤਾ ॥੨॥
इको भाई मितु इकु इको मात पिता ॥
इकस की मनि टेक है जिनि जीउ पिंडु दिता ॥
सो प्रभु मनहु न विसरै जिनि सभु किछु वसि कीता ॥२॥
The One is my Brother, the One is my Friend. The One is my Mother and Father.
The One is the Support of the mind; He has given us body and soul.
May I never forget God from my mind; He holds all in the Power of His Hands. ||2||
25. Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 1367:- What do I know as to what my God has done, that I am acclaimed all over
ਕਬੀਰ ਨਾ ਹਮ ਕੀਆ ਨ ਕਰਹਿਗੇ ਨਾ ਕਰਿ ਸਕੈ ਸਰੀਰੁ ॥
ਕਿਆ ਜਾਨਉ ਕਿਛੁ ਹਰਿ ਕੀਆ ਭਇਓ ਕਬੀਰੁ ਕਬੀਰੁ ॥੬੨॥
कबीर ना हम कीआ न करहिगे ना करि सकै सरीरु ॥
किआ जानउ किछु हरि कीआ भइओ कबीरु कबीरु ॥६२॥
Kabeer, I have not done anything; I shall not do anything; my body cannot do anything.
What do I know as to what my God has done, that Kabir is acclaimed all over.
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